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F2E for Home

F2E for Office

  • Regular numbers pricing
  • Gold numbers pricing
Service type Region Setup Monthly
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), Beer Sheva (8) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), Hadera (4) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), Haifa (4) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), Jerusalem (2) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), National (73) 19.00 15.00
Virtual Fax Number Israel (972), Tel Aviv (3) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number United Kingdom (44), London (20) 19.00 19.00
Virtual Fax Number United States (1), New York (718) 19.00 19.00
* All the prices are in NIS (Shekels) and include VAT

This page contains the current prices of the Fax2Email services. The prices are quoted in NIS (Shekels) including VAT. Please note that the prices are subject to change occasionally according to our Terms & Agreement